1st Kyu to 1st Dan ---- 6 months
1st Dan to 2nd Dan --- 2 years
2nd Dan to 3rd Dan -- 3 years and at least 21 years old
3rd Dan to 4th Dan – 4 years
4th Dan and above will be awarded at the discretion of the Chief Instructor.
Students who fail 1st or 2nd Dan gradings must wait a minimum of three months before re-taking the examination unless a different time period is specified by the examiner.
Students who fail 3rd Dan and above must wait until the next Dan Grading before re-taking the examination
Students who are required to re-take the kata or kumite section only of their Dan grading must do so within twelve months. After this period, the full grading must be re-taken.
Candidates' choice - Bassai Dai
Examiners Choice - any Heian Kata
Jiyu Ippon Kumite attacking with jodan and chudan oi tsuki, chudan mae geri, chudan yoko geri, jodan mawashi geri and chudan ushiro geri
Jiyu Kumite
Candidates choice - Bassai Sho,
Kanku Sho,
Niju Shiho,
Tekki Nidan
Examiners Choice - Bassai Dai,
Kanku Dai,
Jiyu Ippon Kumite – attacking with any five single, unannounced techniques
Jiyu Kumite
Any 1st or 2nd Dan combinations
Candidates choice - Sochin,
Goju Shiho Sho,
Examiners Choice - Bassai Sho,
Kanku Sho,
Niju Shiho,
Tekki Nidan
Kaishi Ippon Kumite – the same pre-arranged attacks as for 1st Dan grading
Jiyu Kumite
The Chief Instructor awards grades based on merit. Individuals must display exemplary behaviours as expected of Master Karateka Practitioners in dedication to service and further progressing Karate in the local community.